miriam salamon
Nurse, mother. GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, LEU, Ladder
Miriam has always had a passion for various forms of movement and physical exercise. She feels that the GYROTONIC® System is the perfect way for her to help her clients protect and strengthen their bodies in a perfectly balanced way. Miriam loves watching clients' old injuries or imbalances begin to heal and enjoys seeing a smile on everyone's face at the end of class.
Write to Miriam at msovizra7@gmail.com
miriam’s rates:
$65 Intro Lesson
$195 Intro 3 Privates
$80 Private, 55-min.
$390 for 5 Privates
$60 Duet (each)
$65 Intro Lesson
$195 Intro 3 Privates
$75 Private, 55-min.
$365 for 5 Privates
$60 Duet (each)