Everyone can benefit from massage therapy. If you are curious if this is something for you, check out all of the benefits of massage. Massage may benefit the following conditions or situations; Anxiety, Headaches, Sports Injuries, Scar Tissue, Nerve Pain, Temporomandibular (TMJ) disorders, Postoperative care, Muscle Stiffness, Insomnia, Fibromyalgia, Relaxation, Decreases Pain and Soreness.
Services offered
Renata uses and offers the following massage techniques:
Ayurvedic Yoga Therapeutic Massage
PNF( Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)
Lymphatic Drainage
Brazilian Body Sculpting Massage
Swedish Massage
Deep Tissue
Myofascial Release Therapy
Relaxation Massage
Renata Brandao
Renata has been working as a Massage Therapist for 23 years and in Ohio for 5 years. She uses her knowledge as a Physical Therapist to treat clients. With many years of experience and deep knowledge of the human body, Renata is able to help clients heal and have an understanding of where their tension or soreness is stemming from.
60-Minute Massage | $120
90-Minute Massage | $170
“A massage with Renata is a gift to yourself. As a trained physical therapist Renata has a knowledge of human anatomy and physiology that enhances her ability to provide an individualized therapeutic massage. When I tell her where it hurts, she knows how to work the system as well as the exact troublesome spot.
Renata knows the importance of promoting gut health and lymphatic opening. I have never before had a belly massage. Most of us prefer not to talk about our gut issues and don’t want to have our soft underbellies touched. I was no different. My gut health has improved significantly since I began weekly massages with Renatta. I have more energy, reduced bloating, and feelings of discomfort.
My seven-year-old grandson asked what I do all day when he is at school. I hesitated, got embarrassed, and then spoke the truth, “I take care of myself.”
Love to Inspiral Motion.”
- Holly Munoz
“I seeked a massage with Renata because I was experiencing neck and back pain. In the first 5 minutes of my massage, Renata was able to locate the exact spot where I had pain in my neck. She knew exactly what the issue was, a twisted vertebra. Renata then located where my back pain was deriving from. She was able to provide me with stretches to aid in my neck recovery. Her knowledge of the human body is so evident when working with her. Everyone needs to experience this care and attention!”
-Madison A.
Renata offers massage on Thursdays and Fridays at Inspiral Motion. Every Monday we send out an openings email to let clients know of Massage openings. Let us know if you want to be added to the mailing list! Call 216.320.9446 or speak with the front desk next time your in to schedule your next massage at Inspiral Motion!