Daria Gitiforooz
A sophomore at Tufts University, Daria is from Macedonia and graduated from Hathaway Brown last year. In the past, Daria has spent the summers working in labs at Case (she’s in the pre-med program at Tufts) but this year her planned internship in Nepal was canceled due to COVID. Ask her about it next time you are here. Daria’s other interests include spending time with friends, piano, tennis, and Gyrotonic!! For more than a year, Daria took our teen Gyrotonic class taught by Shannon.
Don’t worry if you aren’t able to meet Daria this fall. She will be back at Inspiral during holiday and summer breaks when she’s not spreading love in the world elsewhere.
Daria will be working at the desk 4 - 5 hours a day until the end of August. If you want to reach out to her, email her at [daria@inspiralmotion.com].