Questions to reflect on in the New Year!

To celebrate our 20 years, we invite everyone to reflect and show gratitude for themselves and their health!


Ask Yourself…

  1. What am I the most proud of from this year?  Yay!  Celebrate and acknowledge your growth.

  2. What challenges did I overcome?  What lessons did these challenges teach me?

  3. Where did I spend most of my time and energy?  Were my efforts aligned with what I really care about?

  4. What habits served me and supported my well-being?

  5. What habits or commitments no longer serve me?

  6. Did I show up for myself by practicing self-care, setting boundaries and personal priorities?

  7. What relationships and connections lifted me up, inspired and supported me?

  8. What’s one thing I can leave behind (fear, habit, limiting belief) as I move into 2025?



Pretend you are your best friend and talk to yourself the way you would talk to your bestie!  Thank yourself.  Give yourself a big hug!!

Thank your body for all the hard work it does for you. 

“Thank you body, I love you!  Thank you so much for all the hard work you do to help me stay healthy!  Thank you organs, thank you cells! I love you and appreciate your efforts to keep me in homeostasis. You’re the best!”



4 People you are grateful for (one has to irk you a little bit)

3 Places on Earth you love the most

2 Pets that you love and are so grateful for

1 Intention of the day, for example: “Today my intention is to enjoy everyone I connect with and keep my heart filled with gratitude.”


Gratitude turns all that we have into enough!